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Ainslie & MacAulay

Slaters,Tilers and Roughcasters

Ainslie and Macaulay ariel photo

The roof over your head is one of the most important parts of a building. It safeguards your contents and the building from the weather. It is a vital form of protection. So, whether you're replacing a roof or building from scratch it makes sense to ensure that the job is well done.

Ainslie & MacAulay will warrant that the job is carried out correctly and your roof will give good service throughout a long and reliable life.

Increase the Value - Enhance the Appearance

Contact us for a free consultation


East Grange, Station House, Blairhall, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 9PY
Tel: 01383 850458 Fax: 01383 851824

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